Questions About PIE
What's the difference between Partners in Education (PIE) and the Vashon Schools Foundation?
PIE supports enrichment initiatives created by teachers and staff that promote hands-on teaching and extracurricular programming. The Vashon Schools Foundation supports major initiatives that are critical to student success and underfunded by the state.
What kind of grants will my donation fund?
Your tax-deductible donation will help fund students’ favorite classroom enhancements including science equipment, Vashon Artists in Schools, field trips, elective materials, and new books. For a list of grants awarded this year, please visit the “Grant History” section.
What percentage of donations are actually spent on grants?
Partners in Education has historically spent around 85%–90% of all donations on grants. The difference is used for PIE’s business licenses, tax preparation, postage, database software, website, PayPal and credit card fees and the annual phonathon. Vashon Partners in Education has no paid employees or board members. We are a 100% volunteer organization.
What's the endowment fund?
Donors may earmark their gifts for either the current year’s grants or to be placed in an endowment fund. Endowment fund monies are conservatively invested in socially responsible mutual funds. Endowment fund earnings are spent on grants at the discretion of the board of directors.
Does PIE need volunteers?
Yes! We have a phone-a-thon in the fall and always need callers. We also need volunteers at our booth at the Vashon Sheepdog Classic in the late spring. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer!